Falcon 2000 LX Charter Flights | Dassault Falcon 2000 LXS Private Jet

Falcon 2000 LX

exceptional cabin comfort and advanced technologies

Able to accommodate up to 10 passengers, this Falcon 2000EX Easy offers a nice and comfortable cabin. During your flights, you will be able to take advantage of the work space as well as the relaxation and entertainment amenities. Just like the rest of the Falcon series, this aircraft combines long range with high speed and state of the art safety.

Heavy Jets
A/C Type
07 h 00 min
Max Flight Time
5950 km
Max. range
850 km/h

Detailed Specifications

Cabin length
Cabin Height
Cabin width
Maximum 10 pax
Passenger Capacity
Yes, Available
Flight Attendant
Seating Plan
Max Passengers: 10
cabin image

Flight Distance

Flight Duration: 07 hours

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